You Can Change the Life of a Child in Foster Care

  with Double the Impact

Your gift by December 31 will be matched, dollar for dollar by a generous CASA volunteer, up to a total of $150,000!

Every gift makes a difference for a foster youth. 

Here are examples of what your gift can accomplish

  $5,000 -  Recruit, train and support an advocate to serve a youth for a year. With all the uncertainty in the life of a foster youth, the volunteer advocate is likely to be one of  the only trusted adults the child can rely on.

  $2,500 -  Provide staffing support and resources for an advocate to support a youth's entire team.

 $1,000 -  Ensure a foster child’s health needs don’t fall through the cracks – including securing phone appointments and ensuring supplies of medications.

    $500 -  Ensure foster youth have the support to communicate with family members - parents and siblings - during times of change and uncertainty. 

    $250 -  Update information online with rapidly changing resources to support our advocates work in ensuring safety and stability for youth.

    $100 -  Provide a gift card to order essentials for school, work, or new housing.

      $50 -  Send a customized care package to a youth, celebrating a milestone or accomplishment.


Donation Form

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If you like, you can send a check directly to our office at 1663 Mission Street Ste 700, San Francisco 94103. You can also make a donation through a Donor-Advised Fundour monthly giving program or planned giving options.

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