The Gala is Cancelled but SFCASA’s Work Continues In this Critical Time

Please Consider a Gift Today 

Lisa Pearson - Supporting San Francisco's Foster Youth

With the statewide shelter-in-place, our foster youth need us now more than ever.  This is a time of isolation, fear and uncertainty for all of us, but particularly for foster youth who are likely to be without the support of family and community to guide them.

I hope you will help me ensure that SFCASA can continue to support our city’s most vulnerable children and youth during this crisis. A CASA may be the only trusted adult a foster child can rely on during this unprecedented and scary time. 

You can help.  Any donation makes a difference.  Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.


$20,000 - Ensure SFCASA can maintain all of its support to our dedicated volunteers and the more than 300 foster children relying on them.

$10,000 - Support the educational needs of 10 youth. CASAs are on the phone every day making sure youth are still on track to graduate high school and have what they need to complete work at home, supported by our staff Educational Advocacy Specialist.

  $5,000 -  Ensure a youth in foster care will continue to have a CASA. With parent-child and social worker visits on hold during the crisis, the volunteer advocate is likely to be the only trusted adult the child can rely on.

  $2,500 -  Provide staffing support and resources for an advocate to support a youth's entire team. A great aunt, who this week has three young boys in her home full time, has two CASA volunteers supporting her through the challenges.

 $1,000 -  Ensure a foster child’s health needs don’t fall through the cracks – including securing phone appointments and ensuring supplies of medications.

    $500 -  Ensure foster youth have the support to communicate with family members - parents and siblings - during this time of isolation and beyond. 

    $250 -  Update information online with rapidly changing resources to support our advocates work in ensuring safety and stability for youth.

    $100 -  Provide an Amazon gift card to order essentials during the crisis.

      $50 -  Send a customized care package to a youth, letting them know we care even if we cannot visit in person.

Host Committee


Lorraine & John Chiatello



Allison & Jesse Eisenhardt

Lisa & Travis Pearson



Aji Oliyide

Matt & Ingrid Rechtin

Chloe & Mark Sugarman

Vicki Valandra & Peter Kelly

Kirkland & Ellis



Marlis Branaka

Karin & David Chamberlain

Roy & Betsy Eisenhardt

Shelley Gottlieb

Becca Katz & Andrew Smith

Elizabeth Lippert & Yale Yee

Brynly Llyr

Pamella Olson & Donald Ryndak

JaMel & Tom Perkins

Lisa Spinali

Sally Stocks

Alex Tosi

Harry Turner & Brian Keil


Kaiser Permanente

Shartsis Friese LLP



Jeff & Keri Davidson

Tami & Howard Epstein

Colleen & Robert Haas

Anna & Will Hoover

Katy & Tom Hope

Margaret Keane & Bruce Bales

Paul Knudsen

Pauline Le & Kiet Lam

Gail & Bernie Nebenzahl

Katherine Rockwell

Jim SanMarco & Nikolay Kuzmin

Jeremy & Phillip Strauss

Jennifer Taylor & Jessica Tomlinson

Lisa Wu & Jason Tai

Jennifer & Jamie Young Perlman

Baker McKenzie

Boland Brothers LLC

Hanson Bridgett LLP

Lipton & Piper LLP

Morrison Foerster Foundation

O'Melveny & Myers

SSL Law Firm

All donations are 100% tax-deductible. 

Donation Form

Board of Directors 

Executive Committee

Lisa Pearson, Chair 

Aji Oliyide, Vice Chair 

Jeffrey Davidson, Treasurer 

James SanMarco, Secretary 

Allison Eisenhardt, Chair Emeritus 


Laura Bisesto

Katy Hope

Rebecca Katz

Elizabeth Foster Lippert

Brynly Llyr

Brooke Papiri

Jennifer Young Perlman

Caroline Pham

Katherine Rockwell

Sally Stocks

Jennifer Taylor

Vicki Valandra

Lisa Wu


Former Gala Chairs

John & Lorraine Chiatello

Amanda Clarke

Liz Curtis

Debbie Degutis

Tami Epstein

Katy Hope

Gail Nebenzahl

Ingrid & Matt Rechtin

Puneh Sohrabpour

Lisa Spinali

Alex Tosi