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Host Committee


Lorraine & John Chiatello



Allison & Jesse Eisenhardt

Lisa & Travis Pearson



Aji Oliyide

Matt & Ingrid Rechtin

Chloe & Mark Sugarman

Vicki Valandra & Peter Kelly

Kirkland & Ellis



Marlis Branaka

Karin & David Chamberlain

Roy & Betsy Eisenhardt

Shelley Gottlieb

Becca Katz & Andrew Smith

Elizabeth Lippert & Yale Yee

Brynly Llyr

Pamella Olson & Donald Ryndak

JaMel & Tom Perkins

Lisa Spinali

Sally Stocks

Alex Tosi

Harry Turner & Brian Keil


Kaiser Permanente

Shartsis Friese LLP



Jeff & Keri Davidson

Tami & Howard Epstein

Colleen & Robert Haas

Anna & Will Hoover

Katy & Tom Hope

Margaret Keane & Bruce Bales

Paul Knudsen

Pauline Le & Kiet Lam

Gail & Bernie Nebenzahl

Katherine Rockwell

Jim SanMarco & Nikolay Kuzmin

Jeremy & Phillip Strauss

Jennifer Taylor & Jessica Tomlinson

Lisa Wu & Jason Tai

Jennifer & Jamie Young Perlman

Baker McKenzie

Boland Brothers LLC

Hanson Bridgett LLP

Lipton & Piper LLP

Morrison Foerster Foundation

O'Melveny & Myers

SSL Law Firm

Wells Fargo


The Gala is Cancelled but SFCASA’s Work Continues in this Critical Time

Please Consider a Gift Today 

We are devastated we’ve had to cancel our Fostering Change Gala, which normally provides one third of our revenue. Please consider supporting San Francisco CASA so we can maintain our staff and support the volunteers and children who rely on us.

Giving us hope during trying times are the remarkable activities of our CASA volunteers to ensure youths’ needs, whether a prescription medicine, counseling, or even a safe home don’t fall through the cracks of a system in crisis. Just this week,

  • Two CASAs assisted an elderly caregiver, a great aunt, who suddenly has three young boys in her care full-time. They’ve provided practical and emotional support when the aunt had nowhere else to turn.
  • Another CASA is working to arrange phone visits for a teenager and her only family member, a sister who is incarcerated while she is unable to visit in person.
  • A persistent CASA contacted numerous people at the youth’s school to ensure he had everything he needs to be able to earn the credits required for him to graduate this May, including a laptop and ongoing tutoring.

Your support is especially meaningful at this time. To respond to urgent needs, from groceries to cell phone bills, and lots of books, SFCASA created an Emergency Fund CASAs can access to support youth and their foster families.


Board of Directors 

Executive Committee

Lisa Pearson, Chair 

Aji Oliyide, Vice Chair 

Jeffrey Davidson, Treasurer 

James SanMarco, Secretary 

Allison Eisenhardt, Chair Emeritus 


Laura Bisesto

Katy Hope

Rebecca Katz

Elizabeth Foster Lippert

Brynly Llyr

Brooke Papiri

Jennifer Young Perlman

Caroline Pham

Katherine Rockwell

Sally Stocks

Jennifer Taylor

Vicki Valandra

Lisa Wu


Former Gala Chairs

John & Lorraine Chiatello

Amanda Clarke

Liz Curtis

Debbie Degutis

Tami Epstein

Katy Hope

Gail Nebenzahl

Ingrid & Matt Rechtin

Puneh Sohrabpour

Lisa Spinali

Alex Tosi